Work like you're in Hell" Elon Musk often works from 80 to 100 hours a week. Excessive persistence greatly increases the chances of success. If others are working 40 hours and you are working 100 hours, in 4 months you will achieve what it will take them a whole year to achieve and you will be at an advantage. "Explained by Musk." Take risks in your youth. Musk advises taking risks, especially while still young. He explains this by saying that as one ages, the number of responsibilities increases, so it's best to take risks early, while there is still no family and children. Be kind. Tesla and SpaceX. Elon Musk earned $180 million by selling his startup PayPal. This money was enough to buy a house and live securely for the rest of his life. But Elon Musk invested this money into his next companies: Tesla and SpaceX. 100 million dollars in SpaceX. 70 million dollars in Tesla. 10 million dollars in Solar City. Don't be afraid of failure. It is interesting that...